Cosmic Encounter Wiki
Power of guilt
Gets compensation for attack
Ethic (FFG)
When you draw any new card(s) from the deck, use this flare. For the rest of the encounter, each time you draw cards, you may feel guilty and give away some or all of them to other players. You may not, however, give away more than three cards per encounter in this way.
When you collect compensation, name a number from zero to eight and take that many cards as compensation.

Ethic is an alien that claims compensation from its opponent when it loses an encounter in which both encounter cards were attacks. In addition, whenever it collects compensation, it can take some or all of it from the deck instead of from its opponent's hand.


Edition Power Text History
CI You have the power of Guilt. As a main player, after you lose an encounter in which both main players revealed attack cards, use this power to collect compensation from your opponent as though you had played a negotiate card instead.
Whenever you gain compensation, you may draw some or all of it from the deck instead of your opponent.
Subscribing to a moral code of the utmost purity, the Ethics set a universal standard of conduct. Those who would harm the Ethics find themselves curiously repentant. Knowing that they are possessed of the One True Way, the race of Ethics now seek to convert Outsiders through moral persuasion.

Production history[]

In the Eon and Mayfair editions, Ethic always collected four cards as compensation when it used its power, but the opposing player had the option to pay Lucre to avoid having to give cards. This is not possible in the current edition due to the non-inclusion of Lucre; to compensate for this, Ethic's power is reduced from always collecting four cards to only collecting one card per ship lost as per the normal compensation rules.

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